Our Stance

Spokane Business Association Calls for City to Enforce Existing Laws

Spokane Business Association
Calls for City to Enforce Existing Laws

The Spokane Business Association (SBA) has formally announced its position on Nuisance Properties and other criminal activity for which laws are already in place.

Spokane Municipal Code 10.68 specifically addresses nuisance properties defining them, in part, as:

1. a property on which nuisance activity is observed on three or more occasions during any sixty-day period or on which nuisance activity is observed on seven or more occasions during any twelve-month period, or

2. a property where, pursuant to a valid search warrant, evidence of drug-related activity has been identified two or more times, or

3. any abandoned property where nuisance activity exists.

The SBA is calling on the City of Spokane to enforce its nuisance property law, its law against camping in public, its “no sit and lie” ordinance, and prohibit open drug use. These ordinances are not currently being enforced. That lack of enforcement has resulted in an exponential rise in criminal activity which has caused many businesses to lose customer visits and revenue at best, and other businesses to close permanently at worst. The City of Spokane must act quickly to reverse the devastating effect of
crime in our community.

“Our city’s issues have exceeded a critical breaking point,” stated Spokane Business Association CEO Gavin Cooley. “Just over 15 years ago the world was talking about the incredible revitalization of our beautiful downtown. Now we’re in the national spotlight for open drug use, theft, and vandalism.”

Spokane Business Association stands as a bridge between business leaders and policy makers. The organization will continue to proactively engage with elected officials and local business owners on issues including crime, vagrancy, and public safety.

The Spokane Business Association is a 501(c)(6) non-profit corporation. Its funding is raised through business memberships and fundraising events.